It’s that time of the year!!! Join BetaNYC and NYC’s Open Data team for our public interest tech, data, and design conference to celebrate the end of NYC Open Data Week!
REGISTER for a $45 EARLY BIRD TICKET or support our conference with a SOLIDARITY TICKET.
About NYC School of Data
Join us for our annual community-driven public interest technology conference. Participants come to learn, network, and collaborate around public interest technology, data, and design in New York City. With programming support from the Open Data Team at the NYC Office of Technology and Innovation, our conference convenes city officials, technologists, designers, data analysts, and community members around open data, civic technology, and service design in New York City.
Our conference will be at CUNY School of Law on March 29, 2025, to commemorate the 15th anniversary of International Open Data Day, the 13th anniversary of the City’s transformative Open Data Law, and the conclusion of NYC Open Data Week.
Once again, we will bring you a fascinating, jam-packed day with panels, workshops, demos, talks, presentations, and office hours with NYC agencies. Conversations will cover open data, digital equity, service design and delivery, digital literacy, and data standards, and civic engagement. We want to equip YOU with tools and information to empower you to build a better civic society for ALL New Yorkers.
Tickets and Opportunities
General Registration or Solidarity Tickets
For the first time, we’re using Tito for all tickets! Get your early bird tickets now; $45 tickets end on March 5th at 11:59 PM.
Do you work for a Government agency / department?
If you work for a government agency / department and want to purchase a ($55) general admission ticket via a check or a purchase order (PO), government ticket opportunities close on Wednesday, 26 March, by 5:00 PM. Please email < >.
Are you a student or looking for a scholarship or volunteer opportunity?
There are a select number of scholarship tickets available that will prioritize traditionally underserved and underrepresented communities. Scholarship applications will launch in early March; please head to BetaNYC’s Weekly Newsletter via Email or LinkedIn for the announcement.
For volunteer opportunities, learn more and apply directly at < >. If you have any questions, email us at < >.
Press and Media, want to cover the event?
Media credentials are available to reporters, editors working as reporters, producers, video camera operators, and still photographers who present valid press identification. If you want to attend to cover a session or the event, email us your valid press identification to < >. We will follow up.
Sponsors, want to support the conference?
We’re looking for mission-aligned sponsors to support conference costs such as meals, coffee, and childcare. Learn more about our opportunities to support by filling out this form.
Come learn and contribute to the next decade of technology, data, and policy — by us, for us!
General Event Information
Looking for the program? Stay tuned for announcements about this year’s program by bookmarking, then signing up for BetaNYC’s LinkedIn newsletter or the NYC Open Data Week mailing list.
What is included in my ticket? All tickets include access to a full day of conference sessions, lunch, snacks, and coffee. We offer free, professional on-site childcare. Space is limited. Please register if you are interested.
Event Accessibility: This year’s venue is easily accessed by public transit, bike, bus, and car. The conference will be delivered in English and will use technical terms. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters will be provided upon request. We are exploring having the main stage presentations interpreted into ASL. The venue itself is ADA-compatible. All-gender restrooms are accessible on the third and fourth floors. There is a lactation room accessible on the second floor. Service animals are always accepted. If you need American Sign Language interpretation or have any other questions/concerns, please email us at < >.
Childcare: We will be providing professional, on-site child care. Space is limited, and you will need to pre-register for this free service using the Childcare Ticket option. If you want to bring your child(ren) to attend the conference, they too will need an attendee ticket. If you have any questions,please email us at < >.
Code of Conduct: BetaNYC is committed to hosting safe and open spaces for all. By participating in this space, you are committing yourself to BetaNYC’s Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.
Health Policy: If you’re not feeling well, PLEASE stay home. We strive to create a safe environment for everyone. (Please see our refund policy for questions.)
To attend this in-person event, we are asking that everyone wears a high-quality mask at all times (except when eating and drinking). We will have ample KF-94 masks in various sizes for you to wear. Masks keep our staff, volunteers, and attendees safe. Masking helps prevent the spread of viruses — this is science, based on data!
Refund Policy: Contact us to request a refund. We will try to honor all of your refund requests at < >. Please note that some ticketing fees are nonrefundable.
Thank you 2025 Sponsors!
The following mission-aligned organizations are helping us cover conference costs and enable us to meet in 2025. Thank you!
Reinvent Albany advocates for transparent and accountable New York State government and increased transparency in New York City. We work to strengthen the Freedom of Information Law and put government information online, especially spending, contracting and budget information and we are vocal advocates for open data laws and practices. We also advocate for more accountable and better governed state authorities, including the MTA. We also work for transparent business subsidies and economic development spending rooted in facts and careful analysis. We seek to create a state government that is responsible, responsive and above board and thus we fight for public integrity measures and against laws and practices that increase the risk of corruption and favor the few and well connected over the public interest.
NYC Office of Technology and Innovation’s Office of Data Analytics (ODA) works with City agencies and their data to help serve New Yorkers more equitably and efficiently. Our work takes three main forms: analyzing data to improve City agency operations, operating the NYC Open Data program, and advancing Citywide data analytics, infrastructure, integration, and sharing.
Esri is the global market leader in geographic information systems (GIS) and since 1969 has supported organizations everywhere with the most powerful mapping and spatial analytics technology available, ArcGIS. Governments at all levels have trusted ArcGIS to make their communities smarter, safer, healthier, sustainable, livable and more prosperous. By using this powerful platform to reveal deeper insight into data, Esri customers are creating maps that run their organizations and the world. To learn more, visit: